A COVID-19 poem: Let’s keep motivating, we’re in this together – even if self-isolating


These are tough times that we’re experiencing right now, and there’s a lot of fear and worry doing the rounds, which is entirely understandable. So we’ve gathered some positive news stories from around the world  and put them together in the format of a poem. Take a deep breath, pour yourself a cup of tea (or something stronger – no judgement) and have a read!

Natalie Bishop
Account Manager, FieldHouse Associates

Because whilst these may only be premonitions,

We’ve noticed this crisis has hit our carbon emissions.

As China recovers and no new cases arise,

This reduction in pollution could save 100,000 Chinese lives.


For us Europeans, coverage of Italy seemed scary,

Until we heard of dolphins in the port of Cagliari.

Fish and swans are gliding through Venetian canals,

and singing voices fill the streets to raise neighbours’ morales.


In the UK, hundreds of mighty volunteers,

Are dog-walking, shopping and bringing medicine to their peers.

Support groups are popping up from Scotland to St Ives,

To make sure that every single person thrives.


We heard of the brothers, who for the sake of profiteering,

Took great advantage of supermarkets’ hand sanitiser clearing.

They bought 17,700 bottles to sell and make stacks,

But donated them instead, when the internet branded them twats.


In the age of Corona, we’ve had to greatly adjust,

Only venturing out for supplies when needs really must.

Some have got creative with ways to pass the time,

Like writing silly poems or joining choirs online.


And though we have no contact, we’re still communicating,

Messages from kids to care homes are currently circulating.

And whilst I think that some of them may be a little…stark,

We can all agree that Vanshi has smashed it out the park.


And one particular story, which deserves its own part,

Bob stood outside a nursing home, holding up a big heart.

He was sending a message to his quarantined wife,

Of 67 years; the love of his life!


So reader, make the most of these times of quarantine,

Refuse to only be kept company by 500 tins of beans.

Let’s make a big effort to keep being motivating,

We’re all in this together, even if self-isolating.
